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    PCR Product.

    cDNA Synthesis Kit

    PCR Product.

    Chembio® 1st strand cDNA Kit

    Brand Chembio
    Cat No. CBRT-2000

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    Chembio® 1st strand cDNA Kit


    Chembio® 1st strand cDNA Kit contains all components necessary for the quantitative conversion of up to 2μg of total RNA to single-stranded cDNA in a single 20μl reaction. 1st strand cDNA Kit delivers extremely high-quality, single-stranded cDNA from 0.02 to 2μg total RNA. The Chembio® Reverse Transcriptase M-MLV is an ultra-pure Molonely Murine Leukemia Virus Reverse Transcriptase designed to virtually eliminate contaminating RNases and other nucleases that are often introduced into the RT reaction with the enzyme. RNase H activity catalase the endonucleaolytic degradation of RNA in RNA/DNA hybrids. The Chembio® Reverse Transcriptase M-MLV is an enzyme which lacks the enzyme is similar to that of wild type enzyme. And the extension ability of this enzyme has been improved remarkably compared to M-MLV (RNase H-) by deleted mutation. Reactions can be scaled up to 100μl to generate 10 μg pf cDNA from a single reaction. Downstream applications include real-time PCR, standard PCR, and Microarray. The Kit is ideal for generating cDNA archives.


    • M-MLV RTase (RNase H-)

    • 5x First-Strand Buffer [250mM Tris-HCl pH 83 at Room temperature, 375mM KCl, 50mM DTT, 15mM MgCl​2]

    • RNase Inhibitor

    • dNTP Mixture (10mM each)

    • Oligo dT Primer

    • Random Primer

    • RNase Free Water


    • Synthesis of cDNA 

    • Microarray 

    • Gene Expression Analysis 

    Ordering Information

    Cat. No.ProductSize
    CBRT-2000-501st strand cDNA kit (M-MLV version)50 RXN
    Content : 
     Chembio® Reverse transcriptase M-MLV (Rnase H-) (200U/μl)50μl
     5x First Strand Buffer1ml
     Rnase Inhibitor30μl
     dNTP Mixture (10mM each)60μl
     Oligo dT Primer (15mer)60μl
     Random Primer (6mer)60μl
     Rnase Free Water1ml
    CBRT-2000-2001st strand cDNA kit (M-MLV version)200 RXN
    Content : 
     Chembio® Reverse transcriptase M-MLV (Rnase H-) (200U/μl)200μl
     5x First Strand Buffer1ml x4
     Rnase Inhibitor100μl
     dNTP Mixture (10mM each)250μl
     Oligo dT Primer (15mer)250μl
     Random Primer (6mer)250μl
     Rnase Free Water1ml x2